Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stephen's Fitness Chronicles

From weight loss using cycling, rowing and CrossFit, to healthy mass gain using Starting Strength, the whole time while gradually discovering the potency of the Paleo diet - Stephen H. gives you his journey from being overweight to getting lean and starting to gain muscle. All the while he chronicles his progress via graph and chart use and eventually refines his dietary approach (discovering paleo along the way) and manages to avoid med (and oatmeal) pushing doctors along the way! He did, however, leave out his markedly improved performance in his recumbent bike racing from last year. Oh well, here's his story:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fitness and Self-Realization by Ben Lewenauer

As of Friday, October 15th, Ben Lewenauer finished his four week session of OnRamp at CrossFit Milwaukee. Below is his account of his first experience with us when he came in for an introductory class on a Saturday before starting OnRamp a few weeks later. The first workout that we use for our OnRamp is a series of 15 foot shuttle runs, air squats, push-ups and ring rows. Normally this is performed for 15 reps of each of the exercises the first round, then 12 reps of each for round two and finishing with 9 reps on the last round. That being said, we do allow modifications to both the rep scheme and to the exercises to allow for varying fitness levels. Ben did the workout for day one of OnRamp as I just described it, completing it in 4:25. Four weeks later, his time was actually slower - 4:27, but he scaled up from the ring rows to unassisted pull-ups, so I consider this a HUGE win in the power output category.Anyway, here's an account of his first experience with us from his perspective...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Motivational Moments

During my time as a fitness coach I've had the opportunity to come across some great videos posted online. Although, some of my readers may have seen me post these in blogs elsewhere or on my Facebook page, I thought it might be worth what little free time I seem to have lately to collect them in one place, as these videos are ones that I can watch dozens of times and not tire of.

As I posted each one of these I reviewed them one more time and my mind was making some associations with movies and books that I've experienced in the past which I'll quote right before the video that sparked said memory. Let's see who can figure out where the quotes are from. Post your answers to comments. If you win, you get the full satisfaction that you grew up largely a science fiction geek like myself. I'm making this WAY too easy...